Crompton Controls Trade Mark

BLOG - Promoting Yorkshire Manufacturing


JAN 2022

crompton controls made in yorkshire

Made in Yorkshire, part of the Made in Group, exists to champion and promote UK Manufacturing. This community, along with Made in the Midlands and Made in London, originated in 2009 as a simple pledge signed by the Managing Director’s of manufacturing firms to do 3 things:

  1. To open a channel of communication within local firms to source and supply locally where possible,
  2. To upskill and reskill workforces, and finally
  3. To promote good news from manufacturing businesses in order to counteract the adversity in the media that ultimately undermines confidence.

Crompton Controls are long time members of the group and have been involved in exhibitions and events both physical and more recently virtual and we're looking forward to our next virtual breakfast morning with fellow members.

Find out more about our breakfast here: Backing Britain >>

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